Geography and letter writing

Due to the delay, I didn’t see my first or fourth grade math groups. In addition, because of time lost due to the delay and the pressing deadline of the Living Wax museum, I didn’t see all of my fourth grade reading groups today.

I did work with a small number of students on ArcGIS – who will be my teacher helpers tomorrow. Students learned how to log into their accounts and how to add map notes to a map. This is very basic information, but as I told my small group, I’m co-teaching an online GIS class for teachers and this is the first thing we teach them as well.  Students seem pretty excited by the geography focus – which will also begin to focus on research and media literacy skills.

My second grade reading group continued to work on their letters, which we will finish up tomorrow. Students who finished were able to choose a book to read. I conferenced with a few of those students about their reading. At this point, most of these students should be moving from small chapter books (think:  Magic Treehouse) to chapter books with a little more heft. Some are resisting the move, but that’s normal. Once they find a book they love and they believe is worth the time investment, they will become permanent converts.

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