Daily Archives: December 3, 2018

Geometry, Summaries, Fractions, and Writing

Fourth grade math continued their geometry exploration. Tomorrow will be our last day. Today they had to figure out how to determine the area of a shape that was not a quadrilateral. The idea was to see if students could use what they know to figure out what they didn’t know. Most students found this easier than I expected. A few students can now determine the area of a triangle based on what they know of quadrilaterals.

Third grade reading had a breakthrough! One student wrote a fabulous summary. We were able to discuss how hers was just a little bit different from some of the others that had been turned in. Students are starting to figure out the small pieces that make a strong summary. I’m excited by their progress as a whole, though I know some of them are less excited – they’re doing a great job!

Grappling seems to be the word of the day. Second grade math grappled with some difficult fraction concepts (if this rod is 3/4, which rod is the whole?). We reviewed that as a class today and I know some left still a little perplexed. Again, this is completely expected and will come as they deepen their understanding of fractions. We moved on to putting fractions on a number line and I feel like I might actually have seen some brains explode. This is something they’ll work on tomorrow, but it is something that is a difficult concept. Understanding a visual representation of a fraction is a little easier than understanding how it relates to a number line. I started by putting the number zero at one end and the number one on the other end. Most of the class told me that couldn’t really be a number line with only two numbers. Once we started adding fractions, there was more brains exploding. It was a great day in math.

My second grade writers continued to write their stories. I’m excited to see where they end up. Each student is taking a different path, but I’m having great conversations with students as they write.