Daily Archives: October 15, 2018

Division, Cindy Ellen, Geometry, and Plot Diagrams

Fourth grade (mostly) finished up their  What’s the Missing Side assignment. I’ll meet with one group tomorrow to touch base on their understanding but we are ready to move on to some more concrete understandings about division. This is one of those topics that requires a lot of differentiation. Not all students will get to the same place, but all students will advance their understanding and application of the concept of division.

Third grade reading finished reading Cindy Ellen, which was a cowgirl retelling of Cinderella. We once again talked about how stories can tell you what is important to a culture or to a group of people. We’ll begin with Greek myths and some reading comprehension strategies tomorrow.

Second grade math is just about ready to wrap up its study of geometry.

Second grade reading read I Want My Hat Back and That’s Not My Hat and created plot diagrams for them both. We talked about story elements, but focused on the problem/solution part of the story.  Students can easily tell all of the other story elements but sometimes struggle on the solution part of the problem.  We took a quick break from the “Who Am I?” writing activity to focus on story elements because they will soon be writing a story with a character based on that writing. The story will have to include all of the story elements and that can be tricky!