Daily Archives: October 30, 2018

Division, place value and graphing

Third grade had their math term test during our reading time today so I did not see them this morning. I will see them on Thursday.

Fourth grade math continued their division practice today. Some students needed a refresher on the steps needed to use partial quotient division. Some students decided that writing down the steps would help them to remember the steps – which is not only a great strategy, it’s also a great example of students thinking about what they needed and getting it done.

Second grade math went a little deeper into place value this morning. They built numbers using base 10 blocks and recorded the results on a worksheet where they were asked to decompose the number, draw a picture of it, and show it in expanded notation. This is a task that used to be very difficult for second graders. This year it seemed pretty easy for this crowd, which is in direct relation to the changes made in kindergarten and first grade that have students focusing more on the conceptual understanding of numbers and equations rather than simply memorizing facts.

Third grade wrapped up their chart and graph making. On Thursday they will critique the charts and graphs of their classmates. They will also try to determine where the faulty data might be.